New MOVIE Captain America, RUSSIA= TRIDENT, USA Significance to # 13, Cardinal Grand Cross, Lunar Tetrad & 1st Anniversary Boston Bombing, Solar Astrology and Planetary Alignments

The 3rd dimensional reality has been established in such a way, that anything that challenges the status quo, is immediately rejected. It makes no difference if the challenge is accurate or inaccurate. What matters to the universal architects who manufactured thought, the thought process and the fabricated mind you think is yours, is so that a challenge is initiated, so that the illusory body of humanity enters into debate and confusion.

Now with debate comes confusion, as each individual is usually quite certain their perspective is accurate. (As if an illusory human being had any ability to correctly portray reality).  

However and this is an  important piece with confusion comes a complete disconnection, or lack of focus, upon what truly constitutes reality. The only way to communicate what reality is, is to identify what disconnects us from reality, and what then becomes the veil that keeps us disconnected in perpetuity. This doesn’t include debate, just communicating the obvious, for others to accept or reject.

Therefore when we attempt to expose the agenda and that’s all we are doing here we can disconnect from the hypnotic trance state that manipulates our essence as Awareness, and we can always look to the media for clues or cues as to what is coming next in the role out plans for complete and utter control of the unique awareness that you are, and so it is through the media that is being spoon fed to us around the world that we can get our information and gain full knowledge of the hypnotic trance we are experiencing, completely disconnect and neutralize any response whereby freeing ourselves from what appears to be completely real, to be the sovereign, sacred beings we truly are.

Now the only way to be unaffected by this illusory devastation delivered under the guise of the Armageddon,  judgement day and to keep from experiencing an emotional collapse, is to come out of this hypnotic trance. To remain emotionally connected to the 3 dimensional illusion, believing that its actually real, manipulates who we really are as unique awareness  into experiencing a devastating emotional cataclysm as the illusory Day of Judgment unfolds on the physical world stage.

Bringing into focus and exposing the agenda at play as awareness, to what it is that the universal architects and power control force use that is consciousness which is a data stream built on Sound the word and number systems, or intellectual systems such as religion, science, astrology, education etc. is what they are using to con us into this concept of consciousness in order to manipulate our essence as Awareness to do their bidding, breaks the hypnotic spell.

Now Lets take a brief look at the  American stage and why the number 13 is really so important.

It turns out that the thirteenth degree of the Zodiacal Sign Cancer was rising July 4th, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Cancer represents the breast and is therefore the mother sign, or woman. M is from Mem, the thirteen letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and means woman. The United States plays the part of mother to all people whether they know that or not, and gathers them under her protecting care.

The United States commenced it’s individuality as a nation with thirteen states. In 1782 the obverse side of the United States Seal was made and contained thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, and an eagle with a quiver containing thirteen arrowheads in one talon and an olive branch with thirteen leaves in the other. Great Seal US

And the motto UE pluribus unum” contains thirteen letters.

The reverse side of the United States Seal shows part of the pyramid of Egypt, the base of which covers thirteen acres. There are thirteen steps or terraces. The motto over the pyramid, “Annuit Cceptis,” contains thirteen letters and is Latin for “Prosper us in our undertaking.” Our solar system has passed out of the water sign Pisces, and thus occurred the “end of the world” thirteen letters.

Now on April 4, 2014 Captain America: The winter Soldier  opened in theatre’s world wide, is a 2014 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Captain America. It is the sequel to 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger and the ninth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

winter solider

Two years after the events of The Avengers, Steve Rogers lives in Washington, D.C., continues to work for the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D., and struggles to adapt to contemporary society. I believe the S.H.I.E.L.D is a subliminally suggesting the US SEAL  above. Notice the Russian Symbol in the background of the Captain America Poster? Now what does that symbol have to do with America?  Just another subliminal suggestion for the unassuming masses. But more important it is a symbol of the Trident which is showing up all over the media, The trident is the weapon of Poseidon, or Neptune, the god of the sea in classical mythology.russian symbol

As we head into April we can look back in history to major violent events that occurred, Waco (April 19, 1993), OKlahama  Bombing (April 19, 1995), Columbine (April 20, 1999), VA Tech (April 16, 2007), Boston Marathon bombings (April 15, 2013) these are just some major events tied to this historically terrible month of violence.

I found an interesting connection it turns out the lunar tetrad series I have writing and speaking about starts April 15, 2014, the 1st year anniversary of the Boston Bombing you can watch the video below from NASA. Anyway The Fort Hood shooting on April 2, 2014 may be a start of a series of events to unfold will have to wait and see.

The Lunar Tetrad  series I have been mentioning for 2014/15  has deep significance in Jewish prophecy. The Jewish Passover feast begins on that day and ends one week later, on April 21, 2014 and could signify the opening of the inner window of opportunity which will be open from April 15th to April 29th with the Cardinal Grand Cross configuration on April 21, 2014, which is when the Uranus Pluto square becomes exact, and Jupiter comes in to make it an exact t-square, and then Mars comes in to make it an EXACT DEGREE grand cross!

It turns out that all the planets will be at 13.5 degrees of cardinal signs her is that reference to 13 and the US seal I mentioned above no coincidence just an opportunity to see who the power control force manipulate your reality through astrology remember astrology is the software program humanity operates from it is not a bad thing better to know what is influencing your behaviour and metamorphosis so you have better understanding of how you live in a programmed reality.

Now April 20th, 2014 is when this configuration of these four planets is at the beginning of its most intense phase, as the Moon is in Capricorn and triggering the whole thing, and then its on April 22nd when Mars moves into its exact position and squares the already existing exact T-square. This is  said by some to probably a period when we move into  the most volatile and intense time of the last few years.  We can expect acts of terrorism, natural disasters, earthquakes, extreme weather, and either war or an escalation of some military conflict.  These planets are all in cardinal signs, which are action signs. Therefore things happen in action signs according to a planned agenda.

The Uranus – Pluto Square in November 2013 marks the transition from external stimulus motivating action, into the several-year period ahead, one of demonstrable action catalyzing revolutionary change in many facets of human society. Now while some might say that it’s quite stunning, how these 4 planets come together so precisely, but it’s not the universal architects, the power control force made this happens which makes these energies all come together and release at exactly the same time is all designed to harvest the energies of these planetary configurations for their own agenda.

Looking at Solar Astrology and tracking our individual and collective metamorphosis, keep in mind that. we have two strong Planetary Alignments (Mars-Earth-Mercury on April 15-16) and (Mars-Earth-Uranus on April 21-23) feature prominently this month may coincide with significant energies to be bathing our planet earth and each of us so lets stay tuned for the incoming energies.


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